Wednesday 3 May 2017

My First Day at FAST

The 16th of august, 2016 was the day that helped me to overcome one of my greatest fears. This was my first day at one of the most prestigious universities in Pakistan and nothing was familiar. I had just entered the doors of FAST University and started my life-changing journey.
I was trying to find the lecture room, but eventually I got lost in the labyrinth of the majestic building. I was embarrassed and many questions were running in my head. Where was my class? Where was the professor’s room? How should I behave with new classmates? However, all this questions were minor in comparison with my main fear. I began to panic.
From my earliest childhood, I was introvert. Therefore, I was afraid of talking to new people because I might look foolish and embarrass myself or just because I thought that, I could do everything by myself. In addition, by reason of nervousness I could start to stammer. Anyway, I had to find someone to help me because I could not be late for the first lesson!

Scraps of foreign speech were traveling from the room at the end of long corridor. Gathering courage, I decided to enter that room and ask for the help. Fortunately, a passing manager asked me if I have problems and kindly offered to accompany me to the classroom.
In a minute, we took a lift and I was on the threshold of the auditorium. To make a step forward was the most difficult action because the noisy classroom was full of new faces. Almost all places were occupied and I sat at the end of the row. In 5 minutes, the calculus professor Hina Firdous came and silence reigned. Subject was not simple, but that was just a starter. I faced some difficulties related to educational process, but my classmates were very kind and were ready to help me at any time. Thereby I made new acquaintances. By the end of the day, I had learnt a lesson.
After the first day at FAST University, I understood that all problems can/could be solved much faster and easier, when you have a supporter. People around us not angry and always willing to help, just forget about your fears and make step forward to them!.

By: Bilal Zahid

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